Essential Tips For Working from Home

Essential Tips For Working from Home

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many employers had their workers work from home temporarily, while others realized the potential of this model and plan on sustaining it moving forward. As an employee who is working from home, this undoubtedly comes with some awesome...

Wise Words From Warren Buffett

Wise Words From Warren Buffett

Where to start on the monumental achievements of one of the richest men in the world known as Warren Buffett. According to Investopedia, Buffett ranks as the sixth most wealthy person in the world with a net worth of $103.9 billion (according to Forbes).  ...

Affordable Methods For Paying Off Medical Debt

Affordable Methods For Paying Off Medical Debt

You visit the doctor because you'd like to be healthier, feel better, or be well. However, for millions of people living in the United States, a visit may have a negative consequence: large medical bills that could lead to massive debt. One out of five Americans...

ECB Works On Developing A Digital Euro

ECB Works On Developing A Digital Euro

The European Central Bank (ECB) is developing a new project to create a digital version of the euro currency as more consumers are ditching cash and prefer to pay in digital currency. A digital version of money might sound like a new concept, but 81 countries are...

Why Warren Buffet Is NOT A Huge Believer Of Crypto

Why Warren Buffet Is NOT A Huge Believer Of Crypto

Some of the biggest names right now are investing in cryptocurrency. Whether it’s Elon Musk backing Dogecoin, or Bill Gates is a fan of Bitcoin ever since he got it as a gift. It’s basically a household name now, and how!   The only one who hasn’t jumped on the...

Navajo Nation Mining Bitcoin Using Sustainable Energy

Navajo Nation Mining Bitcoin Using Sustainable Energy

The Navajo nation is mining bitcoin using its renewable energy resources. Bitcoin mining involves using computing assets to execute processes that validate bitcoin transactions. In return for providing computing power, the bitcoin network rewards miners with bitcoins....