Credit Report

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How Closing Your Bank Account Affects Your Credit Score

How Closing Your Bank Account Affects Your Credit Score

You could be concerned about your credit score if you’re considering shutting a bank account. In general, closing a bank account won’t have a negative influence on your credit score, but there are certain side effects that you must know. This article goes into great...

Why You Should Care About Compound Interest

Why You Should Care About Compound Interest

Are you looking for a way to grow your savings or investments faster? Then you need to understand the power of compound interest. Compound interest is a simple yet powerful concept that can help you reach your financial goals faster and build a more secure financial...

Tips On Negotiating With Credit Card Companies

Tips On Negotiating With Credit Card Companies

It's likely that you didn't rack up credit card debt suddenly. For most of us, the process begins gradually with a few impulse purchases, followed by a few missed payments. Before we finally realize that the card's introductory period has passed and the entire 26.99 %...

How To Raise Your Credit Score Quickly

How To Raise Your Credit Score Quickly

On certain occasions, having the highest credit score possible can hold several advantages for you. Perhaps you want to start refinancing your mortgage. Maybe you're trying to recover from bad debt and apply for a credit card.   Whatever the reason may be, having...

The Best Way To Consolidate Debt: A Complete Guide

The Best Way To Consolidate Debt: A Complete Guide

Debt consolidation is one of the best debt-reduction strategies. Individuals combine their multiple debts into one large debt through these methods, which also streamlines the interest rate, terms of payment, and deadline.   Keep reading this blog post to further...

Learning Loan Basics For Beginners

Learning Loan Basics For Beginners

Loans might seem simple but can be a bit complex and there are different types of loans to suite your lifestyle the best. Loans can help people pay for high-cost expenses upfront for major life finances. We break down the basics of what you should know before...

Why You Should Use a Credit Card While Online Shopping

Why You Should Use a Credit Card While Online Shopping

Oftentimes, people’s first reflex when making purchases are simply to use our debit cards and pay directly through our bank accounts. While this is usually a good thing, as this is a surefire way to avoid debt, there are opportunities where your credit card actually...

Generation of Debt: The Average Credit Card Debt by Age

Generation of Debt: The Average Credit Card Debt by Age

Have you ever looked at your credit card debt and wondered if it’s much more or much less than the average person your age’s debt? Well, you don’t have to wonder anymore because we’ve got your answers.   As the generations go by, credit card debt numbers have...